A guide to punctuation., Am I allowed to say that? Politically correct writing, Bennison Books, Commonly confused and just plain wrong, Plain and simple - good writing guide, Technical stuff

Available now: Wordwatch for Kindle

Well, the cover looks good... (that bit wasn't me). Here's the blurb: This is a basic guide to writing well. Aspects of grammar and punctuation that commonly cause confusion are demystified in plain English. You'll find clear instructions on the correct use of possessive apostrophes, commas, speech marks, hyphens and semicolons. Other topics include the… Continue reading Available now: Wordwatch for Kindle

Bennison Books

Introducing… Bennison Books

I don’t know what came over me, but it’s done now and there’s no going back: I’ve created an epublishing empire.  (When I say empire, I don’t actually mean empire. As such. Yet.) Anyways, Bennison Books is a labour of love. It has three imprints: People’s Classics Contemporary Classics Non-fiction You’re very welcome to visit Bennison… Continue reading Introducing… Bennison Books