Am I allowed to say that? Politically correct writing, Journalese, Wordwatching

A beautiful dead woman

I don’t often throw things at the radio when BBC journo Nick Robinson is on – but missiles were launched this morning (including a complaint via email) when he described a dead female refugee as ‘beautiful’. What?? Here’s what he said on the BBC’s flagship news programme: “The photograph of a beautiful young woman stares… Continue reading A beautiful dead woman

Journalese, Neologisms - new words and phrases, Wordwatching

In the line of fire: advertising copy

Here's some amusement to take your mind off the fact that someone trousered a considerable amount of dosh (while admiring an eminent person’s new clothes) to come up with the word ‘refreshmentaste’:

Journalese, Plain and simple - good writing guide, Wordwatching

Empty words, headless MPs and flowers

Lazy journalism really annoys me; especially when the story is a gift. Here’s a reporter on BBC Radio 4 talking about the death of 110-year-old Claude Choules, the last know veteran of the First World War:

…as others passed away, history closed in on him.

It did? In what way exactly?

Am I allowed to say that? Politically correct writing, Journalese, Wordwatching

Sweeping away class barriers?

Similarly, journalists visiting people who are described as ‘working class’ or living in a ‘working class area’ are usually very keen to point out how clean the proletariat manage to keep their homes. Goodness, I expect they even wash their hair sometimes too. And use cutlery.